MES Supports Terry Fox

The answer is to try and help others – Terry Fox

Image result for terry fox

This Friday, September 27, MES will take part in the Terry Fox Run at 10:30. In the case of poor weather, the run will either be postponed to the afternoon or the following week.

Students can bring in Toonies for Terry to help raise money for cancer research. MES will be making a paper chain that will be outlining the course.  The chain represents the many heroes involved in the fight against cancer: those who have battled it or are battling it (white links), and the classes and students who have raised money or awareness by participating in the Run (red links). Students will have the opportunity to write the names of their loved ones who have battled or are battling cancer on the white links, and their own names and class names on the red links.  Our goal is for students to have a visual of how many people among us have been affected, and how much love and support surrounds us. We hope to conquer cancer by linking together.

Please feel free to join us, this Thursday at 10:30!

in: General

Relationship Continues to Matter

MES Highlights Dr. Gordon Neufeld Parent Sessions

Click here for more information on the Raising Children in a digital world parent session.

Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019

Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm

Location: SRSS (Gold Gym)

Gordon Neufeld Seminar

Free Admission – please RSVP to 204.326.6471 or email

in: General

MES Treats & Treasures

MES Learning Partnerships. Something to celebrate!

Est. 2011 – see below for more information

Provision of Hope Newsletter

Collage of Fundraising projectsTeachers holding up books. Image of 4Bs of Mitchell Elementary

Update on sponsoring activities for Liberian children.

in: General

MES Highlights Assemblies

At MES we value student student engagement: social, academic, emotional, & intellectual. One way we celebrate engagement is through assemblies.

Assemblies at MES are open to everyone and the calendar of assemblies is listed on our website. (click here for a link to our school calendar) We also like to highlight certain special assemblies such as last year’s quartet of Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra players, the Kayler & Bergen concert, or the Horizon String Quartet.

November 10 is our Remembrance Day Assembly featuring the Grade 4 choir. The assembly begins at 11:00 and everyone is invited to attend.


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in: General

Mr. Reimer Highlighted In Footsteps – MB Marathon

We are very proud of MES’s own Steffan Reimer who finished fourth in the 2017 Manitoba Full Marathon. Steffan was also the recipient of the 2016 Bob Walker Memorial award which honours the fastest Manitoban male and female athletes between the ages 19 and 29.

Footsteps, the participant newsletter of the Manitoba Marathon, recently highlighted Steffan’s Marathon Profile in the October issue.

Click here to read the full article. (and scroll down to find the full interview)

Image of Marathon Runner

in: General

Provincial Health Notice – Mumps

The following is a health notice also fournd on

As a new school year begins, illnesses, including mumps, can be spread easily between children and their families. Manitoba continues to see mumps disease circulating, with 1057 confirmed cases as of October 6, 2017. Mumps has been seen in all populations, including pre-school and school-aged children.

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living (MHSAL) would like to ensure all parents and guardians are aware that the mumps outbreak continues, how to recognize its symptoms, how to prevent its spread and what to do if they suspect they or their child(ren) may be infected with mumps.

in: General