January brings with it a look back at the past year, but also
at the year ahead. As we look back at the fall session at
MES, it was absolutely filled with exciting activities
including the great news of additional classrooms coming
in the near future! However, we cannot look back without
acknowledging the success of our Christmas Concert.
Thank you to all of the hard work and dedication from the
students and staff to make this a memorable event once

As we look ahead, January can bring exciting newness for
many, but for some it can can be described as the
aftermath of the holiday season. For some people this
time of year can even leave you with a “low feeling.” If this
is the case for you, a CBC article I read gave several
suggestions to help combat the January blues. Two
suggestions are 1. Get out of your house when possible.
This is sort of counter-intuitive due to the weather, but it’s
important to try to engage with winter in some way. 2. Get
Active. Physical activity is very helpful for elevating
mood. However you choose to engage in the month of
January, I wish you all the best in the year ahead.

in: General