Vice Principal’s Message – January

“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht.” It was just over two weeks ago that we kicked off the break with a wonderful Christmas concert to a packed house. The concert was spectacular and the positive feedback from the community was plentiful and appreciated. We hope there were, in fact, silent nights and moments of calm in all of your homes over the Christmas break. Here at MES, with all of the important work coming up before spring break, it may not always… Read More

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Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024 Opens January 5th


Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year will open on January 5 2023. To be eligible, children must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2023. The registration process will take place online at If you do not have access to the Internet, please visit the school office and we can assist you in completing the registration on a school computer.

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to register their children soon after registration opens in January. Early registration will assist us in preparation and planning for the upcoming school year. Registering before March 1, 2023, will ensure there is sufficient time for school appointments and provide parents/guardians with the opportunity to participate in Kindergarten orientation activities. Visit for registration instructions.

Kids in School Bus

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Preschool Program at MES

PRESCHOOL PROGRAM AT MES Hanover Parent Child Community Program is offering a preschool program at MES in our hut. Tuesday afternoons 1-3 pm Thursday mornings 9:15-11:45 am Children will have the opportunity to play, learn, create, sing, and develop skills to prepare them for kindergarten. Children ages 0-5 are welcome. You do not need to have a child attending the school, so feel free to invite other families that don’t have school aged children. Parents will be able to visit… Read More

in: General

Principal’s Message – December

Rebuilding a Community A common recurring theme this fall has been about rebuilding our school community. When all of our regular community events and happenings were put on hold, most of us did not realize the length and magnitude of this shift. This fall we have been talking about rebuilding the social norms of gathering in assemblies, cooperative group work in the classroom, and essentially what it means to share space together in a formal or informal manner. With report… Read More

in: General

Numeracy November!

NOVEMBER IS NUMERACY MONTH November is Numeracy Month and this year’s theme is PuzzleMania. Can you rebuild the Tangram square? What new shapes can you make from the Tangram square pieces? Can you solve the daily Math Mashup? Watch for math puzzle challenges coming to your home this month and have some family fun creating and solving puzzles together.

in: General

Vice Principal’s Message – November

Actual quotes heard in the halls and on the front steps of MES over the past few days: “What a great day!” “This is the best day of my life.” “I have the best class in the building.” (multiple sources) “It’s so great to get back volunteering in my child’s class!” “I love this place!” Interestingly, each comment reflected some type of open, healthy relationship. Student engagement goes hand in hand with healthy relationships and one of the ways we… Read More

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