MES Highlight – Christmas Concert Information

The Grade 3 & 4 MES Christmas Concert, “Chimes in the Night”, is Wednesday, December 19. Performances are at 1:30 and 7:00 p.m. Dress code for the Grade 3 & 4 students is white tops and black bottoms. The Kindergartens will be having their Christmas performance at the afternoon concert only. Grade 1 & 2 Spring Concert information to follow in the new year. Also, MES says , “Thanks!” to our PAC for the Christmas Concert Cookies. Please see the… Read More

in: General

HSD Highlight – Permission to Publish

With Christmas and the surrounding excitement approaching, MES would like to highlight Hanover School Division reminders regarding Permission to Publish. For more information regarding HSD Christmas Concerts and schedules, please visit The Hanover School Division has limited, or no control, over photographs and videos taken by news media and others in public locations, or at school-sanctioned events open to the public – such as sporting events, performances, concerts, and similar events. When members of the public are invited/permitted to attend… Read More

in: General

December Vice-Principal’s Message

There are a few days over the Christmas holiday season, once the rush of gatherings and events are finished, where time stands still for a little while and everything seems to move in slow motion. It’s quite the opposite of slow motion in the organized excitement of MES life, and we have a lot of important work to complete before the break. So, in spite of the hustle and bustle of December, let’s not forget to walk slowly, breathe deeply,… Read More

in: General