March Principal’s Message

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Inspector-Read-A-Lot was kept busy reading to classes and looking for clues. One clue that continued to be prevalent was just how much fun our school community had with I Love to Read Month this year. We enjoyed several guest readers including the Sabres Athletes, Pistons players and our Assistant  Superintendent. At our concluding assembly Corny Rempel brought down the house with his rendition of The Grumpy Monkey, along with the awarding of several reading prizes. A big thank… Read More

in: General

MES Highlights Treats & Treasures!

TREATS & TREASURES SALE will once again be taking place in May. Just a reminder that we will be collecting gently used items to support kids going to school in Africa. MES Learning Partnerships. Something to celebrate! Est. 2011 – continue reading for more information

in: General

Term 2 Report Cards @MES

REPORT CARDS Term 2 reports will be issued this month. Kindergarten Report cards will be available on parent portal on Wed., Mar.11th. Those  not accessing parent portal will receive a printed report card on Thur., Mar.12th which will go home with your child. Kindergarten Parent Teacher meetings will be scheduled by the homeroom Teacher. The Grade 1-4 Report cards will be available on parent portal on Wed., Mar.18th and for those not accessing through the parent portal the printed copies… Read More

in: General

Mitchell Soccer Registration Night

When: March 11 and 18 Where: Mitchell Elementary School entrance Time: 6-7:30 pm Registration fees: $40/child, $30/child if you coach Payments by cheque or cash only. Cheques payable to Mitchell Soccer. Volunteers are needed to make the program work. Please consider coaching. Please see website for Soccer 2020 details:  

in: General

2020-2021 Kindergarten Registration

If you have a child or know someone who has a child that will be starting kindergarten in fall, please register online at If you do not have access to a computer or need assistance, come into the school office and we are happy to help.

in: General

February Vice Principal’s Message

February is “I Love to Read” month. And, while I was reading over the plans and calendar the MES IL2R committee put together I thought, “Hey! I really, really do love reading.” I love reading for pleasure, I love reading to my daughters, and I simply love it that I can read. This little bit of reflecting has got me thinking about other things that I really appreciate. Here are a few:  Recess Buddies Kindness Freedom Volunteers Warm homes Big… Read More

in: General