“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht.” It was just over two weeks ago that we kicked off the break with a wonderful Christmas concert to a packed house. The concert was spectacular and the positive feedback from the community was plentiful and appreciated. We hope there were, in fact, silent nights and moments of calm in all of your homes over the Christmas break.
Here at MES, with all of the important work coming up before spring break, it may not always be peaceful and calm, but we continue to celebrate the organized enthusiasm here in the building. And, while student engagement looks, sounds, and appears different at times, I have personally witnessed much kindness, respectfulness, authentic collaboration, strength of character, and citizenship that leaves me filled with hope about this next phase of the school year.
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new students who have just joined our community from Ukraine – we wish you all the best as you adjust to your new community and school.
in: General