Actual quotes heard in the halls and on the front steps of MES over the past few days:

  • “What a great day!”
  • “This is the best day of my life.”
  • “I have the best class in the building.” (multiple sources)
  • “It’s so great to get back volunteering in my child’s class!”
  • “I love this place!”

Interestingly, each comment reflected some type of open, healthy relationship. Student engagement goes hand in hand with healthy relationships and one of the ways we celebrate Social, Emotional, Academic, & Intellectual Engagement is through assemblies. Assemblies are open to everyone and the MES assembly schedule is highlighted on our school website calendar. So, consider this your personal invitation to join us throughout the school year. Our next big assembly will be the November 10 Remembrance Day assembly at 11:00. Everyone is welcome.

in: General