Milk Week: January 22 to 26

Monday: “Cow-moo-dy!” That’s right! Hand in your best
jokes/riddles about cows, milk or farms. Anything related
to milk. Make sure to get them in by the end of the day
Thursday as The winning jokes/riddles will be announced
on the P.A. on Friday. Prizes will be given out to all the
Tuesday: “Farm Day”. Come dressed in farm wear, cow,
milk delivery person, black & white, etc. anything to do
with Milk. We will be having a parade at which time we will
give prizes for the best costumes. This is not only for the
students but, for the staff as well!
Wednesday: “Design a Milk Bookmark Contest”. Prizes
will be awarded in each grade level for the best designed
bookmarks. Bookmarks need to be handed in by Friday
9:00am.Thursday: “In-cow-gnito” Running Tuesday to Thursday. Each class will dress up Betsy the cow in a theme of their choice. Special thanks to Penner Farm Service in Blumenort for allowing us to host Betsy the cow for the week.
Image of a CowFriday: “Milk Shoot to Score”. Grade level homerooms will compete against each other to see who can hit the milk carton that’s hanging in the net. The class that hits it the most will win prizes.

in: General