Special Assembly – All Are Invited

Wednesday, March 15th @ 12:30. MES highlights a special assembly featuring Chris Kayler on the piano and Albert Bergen on the violin! Come and enjoy the performance!

in: General

MES Highlights Mumps – MB Health

MES Parents & Guardians,

Please keep an eye out for the letter being sent home today regarding mumps in Manitoba. While there have been no documented cases of mumps at MES, the province considers the current situation in an outbreak, so please read the attached letter (click here) thoroughly and visit the MHSAL mumps disease webpage at https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/diseases/mumps.html  if more information is required.

In the unlikely situation there is a confirmed case of the mumps, please  contact the MES office immediately.

Click here for a copy of the letter being sent home.



in: General

MES Winter Fun Day!

MES Winter Fun Day will be held Thursday, March 2. More information to follow.

in: General

Artists in the Schools

The students of MES had a wonderful time “painting stories” with our guest artist Leigh-Anne. They learned how telling a story is just like creating a work of art, but instead of painting on a canvas, we paint stories on the air, through movement, play and the spoken word. Each class created an original story with Leigh-Anne and got to share that story with other classes. What a great time our learners had; laughing, learning and creating. Thanks Leigh-Anne!


in: General